Carrier Boilers

Carrier’s gas- and oil-fired boilers are guaranteed to provide consistent warmth throughout the home, without the hums and other bothersome noises people often associate with heating equipment. Their ENERGY STAR®-qualified high-efficiency models are among the industry’s best, boasting AFUE (annual fuel utilization efficiency) ratings of up to 90 percent.

Since 1902, when Willis Carrier invented air conditioning, they have been improving and perfecting their technology. When it comes to Carrier equipment, there are a few things you can count on, and some amazing benefits you can look forward to.

    • Your Home Will Be Comfortable – The most important aspect of your HVAC system is that it keeps your home comfortable. This system will do just that.
    • Efficiency & Reduced Bills – Older systems tend to run a little harder, and not do as good of a job. Carrier systems use less energy, and reduce the amount you are spending on energy bills.
    • Rebates & Financing – Because Carrier systems are so energy efficient, often this equipment is eligible for rebates and financing. The government and different organizations appreciate the switch from old, energy-wasting systems to newer, more energy saving equipment. This is why so many incentives are offered. Click here to talk to someone about these options.
    • Tailored to Your Home – With all of the different options available from Carrier, a system from them is going to be designed to fit your home. You can control different aspects of your home comfort, such as humidity, and schedule. you can program your system to heat up and cool down at certain times during the day for ideal comfort and energy savings.

Download the Carrier Guide Here! 

