Are Air Purifiers Worth It? Improving Indoor Air Quality in Havertown, PA

Are Air Purifiers Worth It? Improving Indoor Air Quality in Havertown, PAGood air purifiers are worth the cost because they dramatically improve your indoor air quality. They get rid of everything from pollen and mold to pet dander, volatile organic compounds, and more. The health benefits from cleaner air are especially important to people with COPD or allergy and asthma problems. 

The advantages of clearing out indoor air pollution are more important than ever — especially in the summer and winter. During the shoulder seasons, opening windows helps clear out a lot of pollutants. 

But, we don’t get the advantage of circulating outdoor air once the heat or air conditioning is running. Once we keep the windows shut all the time, all the airborne contaminants your family (or pet!) creates or track into the house don’t have a way out. 

In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a study showing that home air — or the air inside your house — is much, much more polluted than outside. 

Meanwhile, different times of the year pose different problems. Winter is peak virus season because particles survive longer and travel further in the colder, less humid air. Then, the pollen count goes through the roof during the hottest months. 

There are plenty of low-cost and DIY strategies to improve your indoor air quality. But, even the best air filters and cleaning products can only do so much. We’ll talk you through some of the most frequently-asked questions about purifiers and indoor air quality. Then, we’ll make some recommendations for the best ways to keep the air clean and healthy in your home. 

In this article, we’ll look at:

  • How Do Air Purifiers Work?

  • Do Air Purifiers Help With Dust?

  • Do Air Purifiers Kill Viruses?

  • Should I Get A Room Purifier Or Whole Home Air Purifier?

  • AirScrubber and AprilAire Purifiers in Havertown, PA

If you have any questions about the indoor air quality for your home in Ardmore, Havertown, Wynnewood, or anywhere on the Main Line, reach out to us here at John Cipolline, Inc.

How Do Air Purifiers Work?

Air purifiers work to clean your air by removing contaminants from it. With most models, a filter traps tiny particles as the air passes through it, so the air comes back out much cleaner. Some also use UV or UV-C light to neutralize and eradicate microscopic particles and organic matter. 

The best ones on the market use a combination of the filtration system, which is passive, and neutralizing particles — an active role. 

What Furnace Filter Should I Buy For My Havertown, PA Home?Air Filtration

You’re probably familiar with the air filter in your HVAC system that you should change every month or at least once a season. It traps particles, including dust and dirt, coming in through the ductwork. 

Many air purifiers  use a true HEPA filter, which is much stronger than your standard one-inch furnace filter. It traps much tinier particles, down to pollen, mold spores, viruses, and bacteria. But, it creates a lot of air resistance. The blower in a residential HVAC system isn’t strong enough to circulate the air through it. So, the purifier comes with a built-in motor. 

Some also use activated charcoal filters specifically for volatile organic compounds — pollutants that smell. These come from cooking odors, kitty litter, bathrooms, and other everyday household sources. 

Neutralizing ParticlesHow Does Humidity In The Home Affect Viruses?

The most robust purification systems out there Use hydro-peroxide plasma, UV, or UV-C light to get rid of bacteria and especially virus particles. 

The science behind these strategies is they “neutralize” the particles by affecting their molecular structure. That way, for instance, viruses can’t replicate — making them completely ineffective. 

One of the most common setups is a UV light inside the system. A filter traps all those tiny particles. Then, the light eradicates them. Since UV light is dangerous for humans, the process takes place only deep inside the system. 

More recently, however, UV-C light has emerged as a crucial new tool in fighting viruses and bacteria. It’s in the ultraviolet light family but doesn’t harm people or pets. So, we’re starting to see UV-C light bulbs and products where you can see the light and leave it on in a room. 

Then, there are hydro-peroxide plasma systems that send ionized charges through the house. This way, it roots out contaminants all over — not just when they make their way onto a filter. 

Do Air Purifiers Help With Dust?

An air purifier will help get rid of dust in your home. The system traps many more dust, dirt, and debris particles than just a furnace air filter. You’ll notice less dust in the air inside. But, it can’t get rid of dust on surfaces or that sticks to fabrics.

People who suffer from seasonal allergies or asthma, for instance, often keep strict cleaning regimens to keep the house clear of pollen or respiratory irritants. The filter will certainly help. But you’ll still want to change sheets weekly and clean surfaces with a moist cloth. 

Air Filter Prevents Dust, Dirt, Debris, And Other ContaminantsDo Air Purifiers Kill Viruses?

Many whole home air purifiers can neutralize or essentially kill viruses. But you shouldn’t take that for granted. Even if they use UV or UV-C light, or hydro-plasma, ask your HVAC contractor about it specifically. 

Should I Get A Room Purifier Or Whole Home Air Purifier?

Your budget, needs, and living space will dictate when you should pick up a room air purifier or invest in a whole home system. An air purifier that plugs directly into your HVAC system will do the best job. But that’s not always an option. A room air purifier costs a fraction of a whole home solution. But, it won’t cover as much ground and usually won’t work as well.

We discussed earlier how they use true HEPA filters with a blower motor, plus UV light. That’s a powerful combination. 

However, if you have an apartment or a small dwelling or don’t have ductwork, a room air purifier may go a long way. Or, if you’re unsure whether to make the bigger investment, seeing the difference just from a smaller model will help you decide if you want to upgrade. 

AirScrubber and AprilAire Purifiers in Havertown, PA

In early 2020, we here at John Cipollone created new indoor air quality packages to address people’s current needs and concerns. We offer a diverse range of options for different homes, but they are all based around two products: the AirScrubber by Aerus, and AprilAire filters.

You can read more about these (including what they cost) by clicking the link below, but we’ll give you a quick rundown.

AirScrubber by AerusAir Scrubber

This product uses UV light to destroy tiny particles such as pollen, dust, and more that cause allergy and asthma symptoms to flare up. They also drastically reduce bacteria and viruses particles, including flu and RNA viruses, E. Coli, Hepatitis, and more.

AprilAire Filters

These robust filters are rated MERV 16. That means they’re powerful enough to capture mold spores, smoke, Legionella, and more. Compare that to the average one-inch HVAC filter. Those are often rated around MERV 8 and don’t capture those smaller particles we mentioned above.

With so many factors to consider, your best bet is to work with a trusted professional to find the right solution. Call or email here at John Cipollone to find the products you need to achieve the indoor air quality you want.

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