Monthly Archives: May 2019

Avoid Mold In Your Ductless Air Conditioner

We’ve got a video to show you. Fair warning: It’s not pretty. Someone in the office here called it, “the pimple popping video of the HVAC world.” But, if your home has a ductless mini split, it’s pretty important. What you saw was someone cleaning mold out from a ductless air conditioner. Dozens of large chunks of it, spilling out...

Should I Get A Dehumidifier For My Air Conditioning System

Should I get a dehumidifier for my AC system in Havertown, PA? All air conditioners remove moisture from the air in your home. That’s an important part of how they make the place feel cooler. However, sometimes that’s not enough to make you comfortable. You should consider getting a dehumidifier for your AC system in Havertown, PA if: Summers near...

5 Benefits Of Ductless Air Conditioning And Heating

3 Ductless Mini Split In Green Room You may notice ductless air conditioning systems in a lot of different places around Havertown, PA if you are looking. Restaurants, offices, homes, and many more buildings are using ductless air conditioning and heating to keep their spaces comfortable, and there are a number of reasons why. Ductless isn't totally new, but it is growing in popularity. For some who...