Do Heat Pumps Cool As Well As Air Conditioners?

Do Heat Pumps Cool As Well As Air Conditioners?

Do Heat Pumps Cool As Well As Air Conditioners?One of the most frequently asked questions that we get at John Cipollone, Inc. is whether heat pumps cool as efficiently as air conditioners. Our answer is always – “yes, and more!”. Yes, a heat pump cools plus it provides heat as well unlike a traditional air conditioner.

In order to do a true comparison, we need to break out the features and benefits of both. In my many years of experience working in the heating and cooling industry here in Havertown, I have found that when doing a side-by-side comparison, the heat pump provides a solid return on your investment. I’ve installed heat pumps and air conditioners, am NATE certified, and have also lived in places that have had one system or the other. 

How Heat Pumps Work

Heat pumps use a heat transfer process to provide the benefits of both cooling and heating. These systems are perfect for climates that experience both hot summer and cold winters, like ours here in Pennsylvania.

Refrigerant and Electricity: Key Components

Heat pumps work by using refrigerant and electricity to transfer heat from one location to another. These components and this process are essential for the heat pump to operate efficiently, and they enable the system to both heat and cool your home.

Heat Pump Working Process: Extracting Heat

The primary function of a heat pump is extracting heat from the air inside your home during the summer months and transferring it outdoors. This process works in reverse during the winter, as the heat pump captures trace amounts of heat from the outdoor air and brings it inside to keep your home warm.

Heat Pump Operating: Cooling and Heating Modes

A heat pump operates in two modes: cooling mode for the summer and heating mode for the winter. By using a thermostat or remote control, you can easily switch between these modes according to your needs and the season. This allows you to stick with one system all year long instead of having to install two.

Thermostat: Controlling Your Heat Pump

A thermostat is a crucial component of any heat pump system. It allows you to set your preferred temperature for both heating and cooling modes. New smart thermostats also help you regulate the amount of energy you use, and optimize your home comfort. You can also control the thermostat from an app on your tablet or smartphone.

Types of Heat Pumps

In recent years, heat pump technology has evolved providing homeowners with better heating and cooling efficiency, energy savings, and multiple choices in energy sources and style.


Air-source heat pumps, also known as air-to-air heat pumps, are the most common type of heat pump. They transfer heat between the air inside and outside your home. These systems can be either ducted air-source heat pumps, which use your home’s ductwork, or ductless mini split systems that offer zone control and don’t require ductwork.


Ground-source heat pumps, often called geothermal heat pumps, use the stable temperature of the earth to provide heating and cooling. These systems are more energy-efficient than air-source heat pumps, but they require a higher initial investment due to the need for underground installation.


Water-source heat pumps work similarly to ground-source heat pumps, but they use a nearby water source, like a lake or pond, to transfer heat. Absorption heat pumps are a type of water-source heat pump that uses a heat-absorbing fluid instead of refrigerant.

Ducted Vs. Ductless Heat Pumps (Mini Splits)

Mini Split Installation In Broomall, PA: John Cipollone, IncDucted heat pumps connect to your home’s ductwork system, while ductless mini split systems consist of indoor and outdoor components connected by a refrigerant line. Mini splits offer more flexibility in installation and allow for individual room temperature control through remote control.

Hybrid or Dual-Fuel Systems

Hybrid or dual-fuel systems combine a heat pump system with a traditional furnace or boiler. These systems use two-speed compressors and variable-speed motors to optimize efficiency. When the temperature drops below a certain point, the hybrid system switches from the heat pump to the furnace or boiler, providing consistent heating without relying solely on the heat pump.

Heat Pumps Vs. Air Conditioners

At John Cipollone, Inc, we have found that the best way to help our customers evaluate their choices is to do a side-by-side comparison of features and benefits. So I have broken out a few of the pros and cons for you.


When comparing heat pumps and air conditioners, both systems provide efficient cooling for your living spaces. Heat pumps are capable of both heating and cooling, which makes them a versatile choice for homeowners.

In contrast, an air conditioner and a heat pump differ in that air conditioners are designed specifically for cooling. Both systems use refrigerant to transfer heat and maintain indoor air temperature.

Efficiency and Cost

The cooling efficiency of heat pumps and air conditioners is determined by their SEER rating (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio). A higher SEER rating indicates better energy efficiency, leading to lower energy bills. The DOE (Department of Energy) sets minimum efficiency standards for both types of systems.

In terms of heating, heat pumps have a heating mode that allows them to reverse the cooling process and extract heat from the outside air to warm your home. This feature eliminates the need for a separate gas furnace or other heating systems that rely on natural gas or other fuels, making heat pumps more cost-effective in the long run.

Types of heat pumps, such as ducted and ductless mini split systems, offer additional benefits. Ductless mini split heat pumps can create comfort zones within your home, allowing you to set individual temperature preferences for different rooms, contributing to improved energy efficiency.

When considering buying tips for a new HVAC system, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons of heat pumps and air conditioners. While heat pumps may have a higher upfront cost, their dual heating and cooling capabilities, coupled with their energy efficiency, can lead to long-term savings on your energy bills. 

Right now, through the Inflation Reduction Act, homeowners can claim a tax credit of 30% of the cost of their heat pump up to $2000, based on how energy efficient it is. 


Take a quick look at our most frequently asked questions when it comes to heat pumps. 

How well do heat pumps cool?

Heat pumps cool as well if not better than most air conditioners. The higher the SEER rating the more efficient the cooling.

Do heat pumps cool in 100-degree weather?

The answer is yes. Heat pumps are designed to cool comfortably when the outside temperature is up to 110 degrees F.

Does a heat pump cool the entire house?

Heat pumps provide options that can cool an entire house or just a single room or zone. They can either use ducts, or tubing, to provide heat and cooling throughout the whole home. 

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