How A Dehumidifier Improves Home Comfort In The Summer

How A Dehumidifier Improves Home Comfort In The Summer

How A Dehumidifier Improves Home Comfort In The SummerOne of the most uncomfortable aspects of the Summer weather is the increased humidity. It makes the air feel hot, sticky, muggy, etc. There are a lot of negative feelings that come along with high humidity. Luckily for homeowners, dehumidifiers improve home comfort in the summer. 

We have been working with homeowners in Havertown, Wayne, Radnor, and the surrounding areas for decades, making sure their homes are comfortable no matter what the weather outside is like. In this article we will talk a little about what humidity is, and how a dehumidifier can improve home comfort. 

If you are feeling a little too humid in your Wayne, PA home, give us a call at (610) 446-7877, or contact us online. One of our HVAC comfort specialists will be able to recommend the best solution that will make your home comfortable all year long! 

What Is Humidity? 

Humidity is the amount of moisture in the air. The higher the humidity, the water vapor is present in the air. During the summer, the humidity will rise higher than usual, and create those uncomfortable conditions. 

During the winter, the humidity can drop too low and make it dry and provide different comfort issues. For now, we are going to focus on high humidity in the summer. 

Humidity isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as long as you have the right humidity levels. In the summer this is tough to achieve, as the humidity tends to rise far over where we like it to be. 

What Is The Proper Humidity Level?

We recommend that you try and maintain a humidity level between 30-50% relative humidity in your home. This will help you stay comfortable and provide healthy air to breathe. 

What Problems Come With High Humidity?

Now that you know a little more about what humidity is and the level we are looking for, you should know what problems come with humidity being too high. We all know that it makes you feel uncomfortable, but there are a few other issues too. 

Makes It Feel Hotter

The main issue that most people recognize is that high humidity makes you feel hotter. It’s uncomfortable, and gives you that muggy, sticky feeling in the air. It’s very uncomfortable to sleep in, and makes it harder to cool your home down. 

Makes AC Work Harder

The humidity in the air is going to make it harder to cool the air off. For instance, if you have a day that’s 85 degrees with 70% humidity, the air conditioner will have to work harder to cool that home than a day with it’s 85 degrees with 40% humidity. If you have a home with higher humidity, it’s going to put more strain on your air conditioner, and also run the energy bills higher. 

Promotes The Growth Of Mold And Mildew

Mold and mildew grow as a result of moisture with nowhere to go. This is especially true for dark and damp spaces like basements, crawl spaces, and in the walls potentially. 

Unhealthy Air 

If the air is too humid, it can promote the growth of mold and mildew like we mentioned. It can also provide a breeding ground for allergens, making them more prevalent in the air of your home. This is tough for people with allergies, respiratory problems, young kids, and elderly people. 

Thicker, moist air can just be simply uncomfortable to breathe as well. Not only is this humid air less healthy, it’s also not enjoyable to breathe. 

Warping Wood, Furniture, Instruments 

Too much moisture and swings in temperatures can hurt wooden fixtures and furniture. Floors and walls can warp if the humidity isn’t regulated, and it can cause problems over time. The same goes for any sort of furniture or wooden instruments in your home.

How To Regulate Your Home Humidity?

Lots of people use their air conditioners to regulate their home humidity, but the best way to regulate your humidity is with a dehumidification system. This can plug directly into your ductwork, and remove the unnecessary moisture from the air. 

This system is going to do a few great things for your home:

  • Cooler feeling at home
  • Better comfort
  • Reduces workload on your AC 
  • Reduces energy consumption (and bills)
  • Healthier indoor air quality 

This system is going to help improve your home comfort while also reducing the workload on your air conditioning system. 

Installing A Dehumidifier In Wayne, PA

If you are looking for a dehumidifier in Wayne, PA, or any of the surrounding neighborhoods, give John Cipollone Inc. a call at (610) 446-7877, or contact us online. The comfort experts here will be able to take a look at your home, and let you know the best HVAC solutions that will keep you comfortable, and keep the humidity under control! 

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