Category Archives for "furnace service"

5 Tips For Your Heating System In Extremely Cold Weather

5 Tips For Your Heating System In Extremely Cold Weather The weather can get very cold in our area of Pennsylvania. Towns like Rosemont, Ardmore, and Media can see the temperatures drop into the single digits when it starts to get really frigid, like it is this week. It’s important to stay warm in these dangerously cold conditions, and we...

HVAC Resolutions for 2025: Improving Home Comfort

HVAC Resolutions for 2025: Improving Home Comfort As a part of the new year, people often make resolutions to improve themselves, their lives, and their health. One place to focus on that will improve your quality of life, comfort, and save money is with your HVAC system. Ensuring your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system operates efficiently not only...

The Best Time Of Year For Furnace Maintenance

When Is The Best Time Of Year For Furnace Maintenance? We believe that the fall, specifically between September and November, is the best time of year for furnace maintenance. If you have to wait until the winter to have furnace maintenance performed, that’s fine too, but we have a few reasons that you should do it before the winter.  I’ve...

End Of Summer Checklist For Your Home

End Of Summer Checklist For Your Home The summer is winding down, and we are happy to see the heat waves on their way out the door. As a part of saying goodbye to the summer, we want to make sure you are taking care of a few home maintenance tasks that will get your home ready for the next...

5 Reasons To Schedule Regular Furnace Service

How Long Does It Take To Install a Furnace? Ultimate Guide 5 Reasons To Service Your FurnaceHaving your furnace serviced is one of the best ways to make sure you are getting the most out of your heating system. Just like having your car serviced every few months, your furnace should be serviced regularly as well. I’ve been working in the Havertown, PA area for 20+ years, servicing furnaces, repairing furnaces, and...

Furnace Noises and What They Mean: Tips for Homeowners

Furnace Noises and What They Mean: Tips for HomeownersWith the season change from air conditioning to heat, homeowners who need to switch on their furnace will notice an array of different seasonal noises coming from their furnace. Some of these noises are completely normal and some may be cause for concern. In this article, we will go over different furnace...

How Often Should a Furnace Cycle? Homeowner’s Guide

How Often Should a Furnace Cycle? Homeowner’s Guide You may hear it kicking on and off every now and then, but did you ever wonder if your furnace was cycling on and off too often? Every now and then we will get phone calls from homeowners wondering if their furnace is operating normally. It's normal for furnaces to make noises,...

Furnace Smells Like Burning: Common Causes And What To Do

Furnace Smells Like Burning: Common Causes And What To Do Most of us are familiar with a kind of “funky” burning smell that occurs the first time we turn on our gas or oil furnace at the beginning of the heating season. It is usually nothing serious and quickly passes once the furnace has been on for a while. But...

Should I Get A Furnace And AC Tune Up At The Same Time?

Should I Get A Furnace And AC Tune Up At The Same Time?Everyone loves saving time and money, and sometimes people think getting a heating and cooling tune up at the same time will do that. The truth is, you really should have each of them done separately, at the appropriate times of year, especially in an area like ours....

Furnace Maintenance Checklist: 3 Easy Steps For a Tune Up

Furnace Maintenance Checklist: 3 Easy Steps For a Tune UpBeing comfortable in the winter largely relies on how well your furnace works. An efficiently running furnace ensures a cozy home and energy bills that aren't going through the roof.The best way to ensure your furnace is working well is with regular maintenance. Using our comprehensive furnace maintenance checklist, you can...