Oil-To-Gas Conversion For Overbook, PA Rowhome

Oil-To-Gas Conversion For Overbook, PA RowhomeMaking a switch in HVAC equipment can also mean making the switch in the type of energy you use to make your home comfortable! When this Overbrook, PA homeowner gave us a call, they knew they wanted to be done with oil and switch the gas.

Their then-current system was old, and they knew that it probably was due for a replacement. This request is common these days. What made it unique was that the homeowner took things a step further than usual when upgrading to new equipment.

In this case study, we’ll cover:

  • Oil Vs. Natural Gas For Heating In Overbrook, PA
  • Converting A Home To Natural Gas Heating
  • Benefits Of A Two-Stage Furnace

And, if you’re ready to switch from oil to gas for your home in Overbrook, Bryn Mawr, or anywhere on the Main Line or Delaware County, call or email John Cipollone today!

Click to Call or Email John Cipollone

Problem:  The oil boiler in this Overbrook, PA home was old and inefficient. And, our homeowner wanted to reduce his heating costs.
Solution: Converted home from oil to gas heat. Installed a Two-Stage Carrier Performance System.

Read More: Is A Heater Service Contact Worth The Money?

Oil Vs. Natural Gas For Heating In Overbrook, PA

For decades, oil heat was very common in Overbrook, PA, and other towns on or near the Main Line. In fact, it’s still widespread in rural Pennsylvania.

Unless your town installs natural gas lines, your choices are oil or electricity for heat. But, natural gas is less expensive than oil. And, it’s more effective than electric radiant sources like baseboard heat.

So, as more towns get gas lines, more homeowners are making the switch. Not only is it cheaper, but it doesn’t require scheduling deliveries and possibly haggling with your provider for better prices.

Instead, it’s always available, like the water from your tap. And, homeowners can also use a gas range stove. Most people prefer those to electric models.

On the other hand, some people prefer oil because they can choose their provider over being forced to go with the local utility company. And, in the case of an emergency, the oil is on their property.

Finally, oil burns hotter than natural gas, so homes heat up quicker in the winter.

Even with those advantages, however, the scales tip toward natural gas for most people these days. And, our homeowner was no exception.

Read More: Oil Heat Vs. Gas Heat 

Converting An Overbrook, PA Home To Natural Gas Heating

Converting a home from oil to natural gas is a pretty straightforward process. First, it takes some communication with PECO. We make sure gas is available and then coordinate with them to tap into the mainline for the house.

Once that’s set, the customer chooses their new appliances. That includes a gas stove if they’re switching that out. But, more importantly, they’ll need a new furnace and water heater since the old ones were made for oil.

Our homeowners in Overbrook decided to make a serious upgrade. They went with a 2-stage furnace, which offers more comfort and energy efficiency than conventional models. But we’ll cover that a little later.

In all, getting permits, talking with PECO, and choosing the new appliances took a little over a month. Once everything was in place, however, the actual job took almost no time at all! We were in and out in two days.

We ran the line from the main into the house. Then, we installed and connected the new water heater and furnace. Finally, we ran additional lines to the kitchen and attached them to the new gas stove.

Case Study: Installing A Carrier Furnace And AC With Improved Ductwork

Benefits Of A Two-Stage Furnace

This Overbrook homeowner went with a two-stage Carrier gas furnace with a central air conditioner. The two-stage model makes their home much more comfortable and energy-efficient than most traditional natural gas furnaces. 

“Two-stage” means there’s an extra setting between “On” and “Off.” And, that stage makes a significant difference. 

Conventional One-Stage Heating And Cooling

By now, we’re all familiar with heating or central air that turns on for 10 or 15 minutes, then shuts off for a while, then comes back on. 

That’s your typical one-stage model. When the temperature drifts a few degrees, the thermostat tells the system to turn on. Then, it overcompensates by warming or cooling your home a few degrees past your setting. 

This way, it doesn’t have to turn back on right away. But, you feel those temperature fluctuations. It’s also an expensive process because it takes a lot of energy to turn on the blower and other components. 

Read More: PECO Smart Ideas Rebates For Energy-Efficient Heating And Air Conditioning

The Two-Stage Difference

With two-stage, the furnace can switch to a low-speed mode. That means it can provide just a little bit of heating or cooling almost all the time. Without blasting at full power all the time, it has more subtle control over the temperature and your comfort. 

It runs for longer than conventional heaters or ACs, but the low-speed is also a low-power mode. So, you actually end up using less energy because it’s spending less time on full power. 

Plus, it costs less for it to run continually than spend more power to kick on and off a few times every hour. There’s much less wear-and-tear on the system.

It stays in better shape, and the homeowner should get a few more years out of his new furnace than he would with one-stage models. 

Read More: Carrier Air Conditioning & Aprilaire Humidification Solutions

Oil-To-Gas-Conversions On The Main Line

Is your home still using oil heat? Have you considered switching to natural gas, but you’re just not sure how to make it happen? Or, are you just dreading all the paperwork and phone calls to make it happen? 

That’s where we come in! Call or email us at John Cipollone, Inc today to find out how to make your oil-to-gas conversion fast, easy, and cost-effective. 
Click to Call or Email John Cipollone

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